Nestled amidst the picturesque hills near Solan, Himachal Pradesh, lies the Mohan Shakti Heritage Park – a unique blend of nature, history, and cultural exploration. This park isn’t just a green space; it’s a window into India’s rich heritage, presented in a fascinating and interactive way. The Mohan Shakti Heritage Park holds the distinction of being North India’s first dedicated heritage park. It aims to preserve and showcase India’s diverse cultural heritage for future generations. The park boasts a collection of captivating structures and sculptures that depict various aspects of Indian history, mythology, and religion.
Tour details
English, Hindi, Pahari
Time Zone
Nestled amidst the picturesque hills near Solan, Himachal Pradesh, lies the Mohan Shakti Heritage Park – a unique blend of nature, history, and cultural exploration. This park isn’t just a green space; it’s a window into India’s rich heritage, presented in a fascinating and interactive way. The Mohan Shakti Heritage Park holds the distinction of being North India’s first dedicated heritage park. It aims to preserve and showcase India’s diverse cultural heritage for future generations. The park boasts a collection of captivating structures and sculptures that depict various aspects of Indian history, mythology, and religion.